Wow, the last few weeks have been a blur to say the least... We have packed up a 3,500 square foot house to move into a 300 square foot RV, attended Christmas programs, had house guests for 8 days, wrapped Christmas presents, made Christmas cookies, had family photos taken, Justin was busier than every with his "day job", wrote a Christmas letter, wrote Christmas cards, the entire family had a horrible bout of the stomach flu, had parent teacher conferences, had a big going way party, traveled 1,200 miles to California, spent 10 days with family for Christmas, went up to see more family in Cambria, and now...
We are on day two with just our little family in our little RV, parked somewhere in the hills above Santa Barbara. Honestly, I am wondering what in the world just happened. We don't have cell phone service here or internet so this had given me much needed time to reflect on this.
Yesterday, I (Lori) woke up in a terrible mood. Not sure why exactly... Maybe because I have been waking up in a near panic that the propane is going to run out and we will all freeze or the one of the kids is going to fall off their bunk bed. Then I wasn't able to get my coffee maker working... Those that know me know that this is a BIG deal. So... Anyways, I grudgingly got in the car with the kids fighting in the super tiny back seat of the Honda "Fit"(another story) headed out the door to drive 45 minutes to go to Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara. I kinda had a pity party all the way to church as my caffeine headache was kicking in. Justin lovingly drove me to the nearest Starbucks... Probably out of fear for the safety of humanity. Then it happened... God softened my heart and reminded me of what we are doing. As I approached the door the Starbucks I nearly ran into a young man who was clearly homeless and then noticed that there was a group of homeless people just hanging out right in front of Starbucks in the middle of beautiful Main Street in Santa Barbara. Then I go in and there was literally 5 more inside the store at 8:50 amon a Sunday.
Wow. At least 12 people in need right in front of my face as I was sulking in to buy my over priced coffee before going to church. God has a funny way of getting my attention! The message that the guest pastor was teaching was titled "Blessed with a burden". He was talking about being all out for Jesus and being obedient in what God had placed on your heart to do! God is so good to give you exactly what you need when you need it! Please pray that we will not be so focused on what we "need" to do for ministry that we neglect our own personal relationships with the Lord and that the start up of homeschooling will go smoothly also that we will be flexible!
Here are a few pictures from our trip and our time in Orange County...
Next update coming soon!